Monday, December 29, 2014

Practically Imperfect in Every Way

"Practically perfect in every way" says Mary Poppins. As a Disney character, many can say she's actually pretty perfect. But unfortunately, in today's society, we try too hard to strive for that perfection in every way.  Tummy tucks, breast implants, liposuction, starvation, and hundreds of dollars in makeup.  But, what's it all for?  Is it really going to make you feel that much better about yourself? 

We are taught that if something is broken, fix it.  In our eyes, we are all broken people.  Some have big noses, others have small eyes, some of us (especially me) have acne.  The list of imperfections seems to troll on and on throughout the years.  Every day there's a new article that comes out with how to fix our mistakes.  Hundreds of anti-aging cream and diets are created in order to make ourselves feel better about ourselves in order to fix these flaws. 

Today I woke up with the world's largest zit.  It sits on my chin taunting me as I stare into the bathroom mirror.  I ignore looking at the eyes that have seen the beautiful things that God has created in the world.  Or the ears that have heard a million stories of both young and old.  I refuse to see the mouth that speaks kind words of love or laughter.  I see the pimple sitting on my chin like grater in the earth. 

So, when does it change?  When will we learn to love ourselves?  It's hard to say.  But I can tell you, as I looked deeper into my imperfections that stared me in the face, the picture got bigger.  I began to see my wide eyes, the smile that lights up my face, and my rosy cheeks that blush when I'm happy.  I realized that these little imperfections make me who I am.  They make me different than everyone else.  I'm going to start owning who I am. Life is too short to count the flaws and fix what you think is "broken".  Enjoy who you are and love the skin you're in.  You are all beautiful people.  


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