Tuesday, December 30, 2014

25 Fun Facts About the Blogger

  1. I'm a coffee addict-it's nearly impossible for me to start my day without a hot cup of joe with my favorite French Vanilla creamer (and a lot of it)
  2. I am a Pinterest junkie.  I love to pin things to try and things I just enjoy in general.
  3. I can't wait for my future as an elementary school teacher.  I have had this dream since I was a young girl and can't wait for it to come true.
  4. I am Disney obsessed. If I'm not in Disney World I am dreaming about being there and if I am there, it's like a fantasyland of magic to me.
  5. I have a weird fetish with pickles. I love dill pickles and could eat a whole jar every day if I could.
  6. I love spicy food--the hotter the better.
  7. If I have no where to be, you can find me lounging in my pajamas. 
  8. Me, like most people, enjoy binge watching. Lately it has been Reign, Beauty and the Beast, and Jane the Virgin on the CW.
  9. I love writing.  This may not shock you, seeing that I have started this blog, but it truly is my outlet and passion.
  10. I love to read, although I have found it extremely difficult to find time lately.  It's one of my resolutions for this new year.
  11. I'm Instagram obsessed.  Although it's not something I'm particularly proud of, I do love to share my life through my photos.
  12. I have been lucky enough to have a best friend since second grade and we get to experience college together and live down the hall from one another.
  13. I enjoy going to concerts.  Next month I will be traveling to Nashville to see my favorite trending artist, Sam Smith.
  14. My favorite dinner is Roast Beef.  I could eat this for dinner pretty much every day and never complain.
  15. I believe in second chances. Life is too short.
  16. I am a devout Catholic and try to live my life as a loving Christian through God's eyes.
  17. Fall is my favorite season.  I love everything about it.  The colors, the scents, pumpkins, apples, Halloween, you name it.  
  18. I am addicted to making lists.  I have to make a to do list every day and have a plan.  I feel so accomplished when I get to cross something off my list.
  19. My favorite past time is watching movies.  I probably know more about movies, story lines, actors, and actresses than I do about anything I learned in school...oops.
  20. Family is so important to me.  I would go through hell and back to protect my family or do anything for them.  Nights spent with the ones you love are priceless and they make memories that last a life time. 
  21. My all time favorite TV show is Full House.  That was such a quality show.
  22. I used to want to be a detective and spent countless hours watching Forensic Files, CSI, and 48 Hours.  That dream changed but I still find forensics extremely interesting.
  23. I collect Alex and Ani bracelets in gold.  Each one of them is special and has meaning to me. 
  24. I have an amazing boyfriend of two years.
  25. I'm from a small suburb of Cleveland, Ohio and I'm extremely proud of where I came from and how I grew up!

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